The aim of History teaching at Ardleigh Green Infant School is to stimulate the children’s curiosity and interest in events and the lives of people in the past in Britain and the wider world.
The children develop an understanding of how this has impacted on our world today alongside developing the skills of sequencing and awareness of chronology, enquiry, analysis and interpretation. They will be able to apply these skills and experience what it is to be a Historian.
Our FIRST Ethos in History
Fit for Life – Children learn how beliefs and culture have influenced how people have behaved in the past and how these past events have impacted on today. This helps develop an understanding of diversity and therefore promotes mutual respect and tolerance of those with different cultures and beliefs.
Inspired to Learn – Children learn about different periods of history not just in our country but across the world. A wide range of teaching methods and resources (particularly ‘enquiry’ questions) along with cross curricular themes, visits and workshops engage and fascinate the children.
Ready to Participate – All children participate successfully in stimulating and engaging lessons, trips, and workshops. Work is adapted where necessary to enable all children to access the curriculum.
Safe and Secure – We’ve created a safe culture for children to feel confident to ask questions about the past or the world around them and are not afraid to give a different opinion and point of view.
Trained for Work and Play – Children will learn lessons from the past which might affect or influence their decisions in the future. They are able to ask historical questions, understand different perspectives, broaden their knowledge and understand that sources of information can be interpretated in many different ways and should not to taken at face value.
The aims of history in our school are:
- to foster in children an interest in the past and to develop an understanding that enables them to enjoy all that history has to offer.
- to enable children to know about significant events in British history and its links to the wider world.
- to develop a sense of sequencing and chronology to therefore understand change and continuity over different periods of time.
- to help children understand our society and their place within it, so that they develop a sense of their national and cultural heritage.
- to develop in children the skills of enquiry, investigation, analysis, evaluation and presentation.
Our Historians
Knowledge: A Historian at Ardleigh Green Infants develops their knowledge and understanding of historical development in Britain and the wider world and the impact of significant individuals who have influenced and contributed to this
Skills: Children will develop the skills of enquiry, investigation, analysis, evaluation and presentation.
Experiences: Our school effectively promotes a love of History through our choice of exciting themes, significant events and people to study that fascinate and engage our children. We offer enrichment in our curriculum through visitors and workshops, school trips, Worldly Wise and The knowledge booklets along with celebrations of significant national and school events. We use of a variety of resources, artefacts and a range of diverse, stimulating texts.
Our school shares our significant History experiences through Twitter. We use The Knowledge booklets to ensure that our pupils and parents can discuss and reflect on our current learning and themes together. The school has recently celebrated its 90th anniversary and this has been an opportunity for the wider community to celebrate with our pupils and to share experiences from the past in our local area.
Curriculum Planning
Progressive and careful curriculum planning ensures that our pupils continue to build on and embed their knowledge and understanding over the course of their History learning journey. This ensures that they acquire the skills to be a Historian and are engaged and motivated to learn more.