School Uniform

  • Children need to wear practical clothing for school, which is:
  • clearly named – please check regularly
  • washable
  • easy to move about in
  • easy to remove and put on
  • appropriate for the weather (especially warm clothes for the winter)


Jewellery, other than stud earrings, should not be worn in school at any time; no bangles, bracelets or watches.

For those children who have pierced ears – only stud earrings are permitted and school policy is that these must be removed for all PE and physical activities.

School Uniform

Clothing needs to be clearly labelled at all times

  • White shirt / polo shirt
  • Green sweatshirt, cardigan, jumper (no other colours please)
  • Green fleece – for outdoor use only (optional)
  • Grey Skirt / Pinafore dress / trousers
  • Shoes – black, flat and below the ankle. No boots or trainers
  • Summer shoes / sandals – flat with some back support (not clogs, crocs, jellies, or flip flops)
  • Grey or white socks (socks to be worn in summer with sandals)
  • Tights – black, grey, green.
  • Summer dresses – green check (can be worn with green cardigan, no other colour)

Games and Gymnastics

  • White T shirts and black shorts
  • Plain black/navy/grey tracksuit which should be worn on PE day

When PE is taking place in the hall children will be expected to work in bare feet. Long hair should be tied back at all times to keep it tidy – hair-bands and decorations need to be small and practical for all school activities including PE. Decorative sequinned bands are not allowed.

Please do not send in rucksacks/backpacks unless children attend a sports club.

All uniform can be purchased from Havering Schoolwear