If you have any concerns regarding the welfare of a child, please contact a member of our Safeguarding Team. All information will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Daytime Telephone: 01708 449 362
Out of School hours: 07548 134018
Safeguarding at Ardleigh Green Infant School
All staff at Ardleigh Green Infant School take responsibility for promoting the welfare and wellbeing of the children in our care. The Local Authority also requires that our staff safeguard the welfare of all children by referring any serious concerns that they may have to a member of the School’s Safeguarding Team. This team, who receive regular training in all matters relating to safeguarding, will always treat all information, sensitively, confidentially and in a professional manner.
Safeguarding Team
Verity Hoffman Headteacher | Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Responsibility for PREVENT |
Simon Harris Assistant Headteacher | Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Paula Broadmore | Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Administrator |
Shella Popat | Designated Teacher for Looked After Children (CLA) |
Sue Consterdine | Safeguarding Governor |
William Jennings | Safeguarding Governor |
Emma Silk | Online Safety Officer |
To help staff monitor the welfare of each child it is extremely important that parents keep the school informed of any unusual or serious injuries that their child has suffered and any changes that have occurred in home circumstances which might cause a child’s behaviour to change. In cases where staff have serious concerns about the welfare of a child, then the school has a duty to make a referral to Social Care. If this ever happens, please remember that it is because the school has a responsibility to promote and safeguard the welfare of every child in our care.
The school has a detailed Safeguarding Policy available on school website or from the School Office. This document outlines policies and procedures in relation to safeguarding at Ardleigh Green Infant School.
If you have any worries or concens about the welfare of a child at our school. Please contact us. All information will of course be treated in the strictest confidence.
Our policies and procedures for all matters related to safeguarding are guided by the “Keeping Children Safe in Education”. Click below to view the document:
Our work with outside agencies is governed by the following guidance
Further information for staff can be found at:
Additional Support and Information
NSPCC helpline: 0808 800 5000
Child line helpline: 0800 1111
School Policies
Safeguarding and Child Protection