Why do we love Science at AGJS?
19 Mar 2017
- www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies
Activities and games based on CBeebies characters such as the Teletubbies, Fimbles, Tweenies and Bob the Builder. Aimed at ages up to 6. - www.bbc.co.uk/schools/digger
Digger and the Gang activities to support Year 3 and 4 of the National Strategies for Literacy and Numeracy, and KS1 and KS2 programmes of study. - www.bbc.co.uk/schools/dynamo
DynaMo Literacy, numeracy and science games, including Spellbound and Who’s Spooking Who? Designed for home use. - www.bbc.co.uk/schools/podsmission
Pod’s Mission covers KS2 QCA Science Unit 4A: Moving and growing, Unit 4D:Solids, liquids and how they can be seperated, and Unit 4F: Circuits and conductors. There is also a unit on bones. - www.bbc.co.uk/schools/revisewise
Activities designed to prepare children for KS2 National Tests.
Our Key Science Principles
07 Feb 2017
“Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science.”- Edwin Powell Hubble.
Our key science principles have been devised by pupils and staff and we now know good Science occurs in our school when…
Where possible, we begin our science lessons with an enquiry question.
We have the ability to shape our own learning journeys and outcomes by investigating, experimenting and explaining our ideas.
We are active and engaged learners who enjoy exploring and discovering new things.
We are extending and developing our literacy and maths skills during science lessons.
We are involved in practical and memorable science experiences in our school.
Our Science displays are informative, exciting and impact on our learning.
We develop and secure our science knowledge through home learning activities.
We get to experience fun science trips or workshops to consolidate our topic knowledge.
At Ardleigh Green, Science has the WOW factor!
Famous Scientists
Miss Sheenan and Mrs Carroll – 13 Oct 2015
Albert Einstein changed the world of science with his fascinating work in physics. His theories became legendary and his image is known around the world.
Italian, Galileo developed telescopes and used them to make observations about our solar system, discovering objects like the moons that orbit Jupiter.
Isaac Newton developed the theory of gravity, leaving his mark on physics and astronomy.
Charles Darwin introduced the idea of evolution, how humans/animals and plants have changed and adapted over time.
British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking is famous for his work on black holes – changing what people knew about outer space.
Marie Curie was a chemist and scientist famous for becoming the first person to be awarded two Nobel Prizes. She made lots of scientific discoveries including radioactivity and even has a charity named after her.
Jane Goodall is known for her lifelong study of the behaviour of chimpanzees in social situations and educating/changing our views of these animals.
– could an Ardleigh Green student be added to this list one day?
Science Documentaries and Video Clips.
Year 3: The secret world of plants. You may find this interesting when you are looking at plants in class. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwgbHesIwxk
Year 4: This takes a look at several David Attenborough documentaries. He discusses and captures many breath-taking moments with animals. Looking at their feeding habits, their food chains and their habitats. This links to your topics Teeth and Eating as well as Living Things and their Habitats. http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/collections/p0048522
Year 5: National geographic ‘How Life Began.’ This documentary explores the solar system and how life was created on Earth. Space scientists share their thoughts about how life can exist on other planets than Earth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTRIKgKLI_Y#t=99
This will link to your topic of Earth and Space.
Year 6: Life is a nature documentary made by the BBC. The series takes a worldwide view of the particular strategies and extreme behaviour that living things have evolved in order to survive. This will relate to your Evolution and Inheritance topic.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRmvgWFV-Vs Episode 1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2G8wGN5WVE Episode 2
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgjJtzfcXnM Episode 3
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-XmbhFwuXE Episode 4
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hz2sJDHwG3s Episode 5
At school you will be learning how to take part in scientific enquires. Here are a list of enquiries and investigations that you can carry out at home.
Can you explain to your parents and family how to conduct a fair test, pattern seeking experiment, observation experiment or how to classify? Follow these instructions to complete your own investigations. Think carefully about how you will collect your results and manage different variables.
Have Fun!
At school you will be learning how to take part in scientific enquires. Here are a list of enquiries and investigations that you can carry out at home.
Can you explain to your parents and family how to conduct a fair test, pattern seeking experiment, observation experiment or how to classify? Follow these instructions to complete your own investigations. Think carefully about how you will collect your results and manage different variables.
Have Fun!
Interactive Science Games and Slides
Find your year group/age and take a look at the topic you’re learning about in class. Can you come into a lesson with some new knowledge?
The Science Curriculum at Ardleigh Green Junior School
At Ardleigh Green Junior School we are very proud of our Science Curriculum and the quality of teaching that our children experience. Our lessons match with the 2014 curriculum and we ensure that lessons are progressive, build on prior knowledge and ensure children experience all types of scientific enquiry.
Year 3 – Animals including Humans, Plants, Light, Forces and Magnets, Rocks and a Super Science Topic.
Year 4 – Teeth and Eating, Sounds, States of Matter, Electricity, Living Things and their Habitats and a Super Science Topic.
Year 5 – Light, Electricity, Properties & changes of materials, Earth and space, Forces and Super Science Topic.
Year 6 – Living Things and their Habitats (classification), Animals including Humans (Staying Alive), Evolution and Inheritance, Animals including humans (Growing Up/ Growing Old), Living things and their habitats (Life Cycles).
Above all, we ensure that science lessons are meaningful, exciting and give children the opportunity to find answers to their questions.